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about me.
my background
i have achieved an Architectural Design and Technology Degree | BA (Hons), and have been working as an architectural designer for the past 9 years since i graduated from university.
why I got started in ui / ux
about two years ago i decided i wanted a career change, moving from architecture to product design / ui/ux. it may sound cliche and easy to say i wanted a new challenge, however i felt stagnant in my field, and could not see myself progressing in my career or being challenged.
how I got started in ui / ux
so, i took it upon myself to learn user interface and user experience, and in the past 18 months / 12 months ago i completed 2 online courses (a 4 week ui course and a 4 month product design course) in my spare time as well as working full time and managing the usual things life throws at you.
how i found the learning process
despite the (very) late nights and managing my full time job, i will say confidently i really enjoyed learning the ui and ux process, and other than learning something new, i found the processes almost identical to architecture; from market research to testing and iterating.
therefore, the past 9 years, despite focusing on architecture / without me knowing, have set me up really well for a career change into ui / ux, and i honestly can not wait to put what i have learned into practice. the decisions i have made over the past two years have focused on my new passion, and i really would love for you to see this too.
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